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How AI Is Changing The Travel Industry

The 2024 AI trends in travel.

The Rise of AI 

If you haven’t heard of Generative AI (artificial-intelligence) or machine learning, you’ve probably been off-planet for awhile. In just a few months time AI-powered tools have created a seismic shift in how we use technology, but AI is not new. For example, most people today whether they realize it or not are daily users of AI-powered personal assistants, such as Siri (now 12 years-old), Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. AI has been integrated into smartphones, smart speakers, watches and other devices, even our cars, and can perform a wide range of tasks.

Additionally, daily most use search engines to social media channels, which all use AI algorithms to deliver personalized results and curate our feeds based on our interests and behavior. How about shopping? Yep there too. Amazon, Overstock, eBay and many others use AI algorithms to learn our shopping preferences and show us related items based on what we’ve been browsing for.  The same is true of streaming media platforms for shows and music to recommend movies or songs based on our listening history. And I could go on and on, but I won’t. I’ve made the point that AI is not really new, its just taken huge step forward and is transforming technology at light speed right before our eyes.

How AI is Changing the Travel Industry

Did you know that “94% (of C-level executives) reported that artificial intelligence would ‘substantially transform’ their companies within five years, most believing the transformation would occur by 2020”? Their predictions were correct and 2023 was it’s breakout year. Currently, the majority of travel destinations are rallying as fast as they can to leverage AI-powered websites, booking tools, and other machine learning resources to more fully engage customers, urge more impulsive bookings, incite extended stays, and increase affinity and satisfaction levels.

AI offers so many new possibilities for enriching online travel experiences. For instance, one example I love is from Hyatt. In some New York hotels they have upgraded its services by offering AI-powered beds with sensors that track a a guests heart rate and breathing, adjusting the bed’s temperature and firmness to facilitate deeper, more restorative sleep. The bed even cools down around the time you set it for to get up to gently wake you from slumber. Check out this impressive technology! 👇

True, AI’s influence on online travel is still in its early stages, but it is clearly evident that AI will make a significant impact on the way we travel, the affinity we adopt of destinations, and simply put, directly affect our selection choices of one vacation spot over another.

4 Ways AI is Increasing Bookings, Extending Stays, and Generating More ROI for Travel Destinations

I’ve spent some time researching 4 specific examples I see AI increasing bookings, extending stays, and generating more ROI for online travel destinations in 2024 and beyond, here they are:

Benefit: Travelers can explore new destinations with confidence, knowing their itineraries are curated according to their unique tastes and preferences. Any potential disappointment is practically eliminated.

Benefit: Travelers gain access to reliable, on-demand support, ensuring a smooth, safe and stress-free travel experience.

Benefit: Destination previews enhance the decision-making process, encouraging more confident bookings, extending their stay based on an enhanced experience of all there is to do at a destination, and reducing the chances of disappointment upon arrival.

Benefit: Removal of all barriers, your destination is open and available for global travelers 24/7/365, fostering deeper connections with your communities and experiencing authentic cultural exchanges automatically.

Other AI Features That Will Revolutionize Travel in 2024 and Beyond

In addition to these key uses of AI in travel and tourism, here are some other AI features that are already in use now that I predict will advance to prominence later this year and be mainstream in 2024. Here are some details about these features:

You are probably saying ‘wow, I see how important AI is as a marketer! How can I learn more about specific tools and training on how to use them?’ Great question, I’m glad you asked.

The Answer for AI in Travel Marketing

First, time is of the essence, my fellow marketers! The unavoidable truth is that if we don’t adapt to the AI revolution, our business will suffer under the weight of its consequences. The year 2024 is just around the corner, and it’s crucial that we act now to avoid being left in the dust by forward acting destinations.

So, we have put together an extraordinary e-Book exclusively for travel marketers like you, completely up-to-date with our recommendations. It’s entitled  “50 Generative AI Tools for Travel Marketers.” This resource will be broken down into categories for easy reference, will include direct links to the tools, indicated whether they are free or not. It will be a great resource for you and propel you ahead of the competition as 2024 approaches!

We will include it in our August 2023 newsletter for free. Look for that in your email shortly is you are a subscriber. It will also be available on our website as a free download for the month of August.

Start envisioning how you can utilize AI to elevate your travel marketing game to unprecedented heights. The world of AI is waiting for no one, and it’s time to seize it with unwavering determination.

Tim Moore

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